Saturday 31 March 2012

¡Felices vacaciones!

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Como os dije, aquí os dejo varios enlaces para estas vacaciones de Semana Santa:
Para 1º ESO: para saber qué ejercicios os toca hacer estas vacaciones, descargaos este archivo: Easter Homework

Para 2º ESO y todos los que os interese: aquí van los enlaces del editor y grabador de sonido gratis: para descargar Audacity y la Wiki del programa en español donde os explican cómo hacer algunas cosas.
También está este canal de YouTube donde hay un buen número de vídeotutoriales que os ayudan en español.

A todos, pasadlo bien y descansad. Nos vemos a la vuelta, el día 10 de abril. ¡Felices vacaciones!

Thursday 29 March 2012

Thursday Story —2

The story this week is The Whispering Palms by Deepa Gangwani and Tina Suchanek: a beautiful story about how we can live in harmony with nature.

El cuento de esta semana es "Las palmeras susurantes" de Deepa Gangwani y Tina Suchanek: una preciosa historia de cómo podemos vivir en armonía con la naturaleza.

Pasadlo bien.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Weekly Links 1º ESO —7

yellow marker
Personal pronouns: subject and object exercises to practise.

1   2   3   4   5

And a short video about Personal Pronouns

Pasadlo bien.

Weekly Links 2º ESO —7

green marker
An explanation to know when to use subject pronouns or object pronouns.

On the other hand, remember that this upcoming Easter holiday you have to read and sum up The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain; so, as usual you can read and listen to the story, then sum it up chapter by chapter with a final comment, following the template I give you.

Por otra parte, recordad que estas próximas vacaciones de Semana Santa tenéis que leer y resumir Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer de mark Twain; por lo tanto, como siempre, leed y escuchad la historia, y resumidla capítulo por capítulo con un comentario final siguiendo la plantilla que os doy.
Finally, here is the result of an experiment with Voki with which  we can all together work.

Finalmente, he aquí el resultado de un experimento con Voki con el que podemos trabajar todos juntos.

"Hi everybody!
Why don't you give this gadget a try and record something? It can be fun to practise."

"¡Hola a todos!
¿Por qué no probáis esta herramienta y grabáis algo? Puede ser divertido para practicar."

Pasadlo bien.

Weekly Links 4º ESO —7

red marker
Remember we use modal verbs "must, can't, may, could, might" to show how certain we are about something.


Weekly Links 2º BACH —6

on April 1 every year, April Fools' Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, etc. Equivalent to Spanish Holy Innocents' Day (December, 28), practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; playing pranks; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things.
 'El día de los tontos de abril' se celebra el día 1 de abril todos los años en el Reino Unido, los Estados Unidos, Francia, Italia, Bélgica Portugal, Brasil, Méjico, etc. Parecido a nuestro día de los Santos Inocentes (el 28 de diciembre), las bromas consisten en enviar a alguién a hacer un 'recado de tontos' en busca de algo que no existe; gastar bromas; e intentar que la gente se crea noticias ridículas.


Tuesday 27 March 2012

Humor inglés

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Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie have been friends for more than 30 years. They met while they were undergraduates at Cambridge University and members of Footlights.They worked on a number of shows together and gained prominence through their own sketch show, A Bit of Fry & Laurie which ran for four series from 1989 to 1995. Here is a sample of their humour... English humour, of course: Information.

Stephen Fry y Hugh Laurie son amigos desde hace más de 30 años. Se conocieron siendo estudiantes de la Universidad de Cambridge y miembros de Foolights (club de teatro para aficionados de la universidad). Han trabajado juntos en numerosos espectáculos y se hicieron famosos con su propio espectáculo cómico, 'Un poco de Fry y Laurie' que se emitió durante cuatro temporadas de 1989 a 1995. Aquí tenéis una muestra de su humor...inglés, por supuesto: Información.

Pasadlo bien.

Monday 26 March 2012

Monday Song

NoFX is an Californian punk rock band who wrote this ironicsong as a parody of the expression "Thank God It's Friday" (TGIF).

NoFX  ('nada de efectos especiales') es una banda de punk rock californiano que escribieron esta canción irónica parodiando el "Gracias a Dios es viernes".

Thank God It's Monday

Monday is my favorite time of year

I'm gonna tell you what I really think I like about Mondays
Cause they feel like Saturdays
When you don't gotta go to work
Every day is a holiday
I wake up when I want to
I do anything I wanna do
Can't wait for Tuesday

I really never liked Fridays (I don't)
I can't do what I wanna do (Like to)
Sold out at the movies (Go out)
Can't eat at the restaurants (Weekends)
Everybody want a good time
But the bar's full of cigarette smoke
I think I'll stay home
I think I'll wait for Monday

I live a 5 day weekend
I gotta year long holiday
Thank God it's Monday
The only place that I gotta go be
Is at the show or on the first tee
Thank God for irony
Nevermind the aggravation, modulation
Gimme another key

I'll tell you why I like Tuesdays (Wednesday)
Cause the're kinda like Christmas (New Years)
Come to think about Wednesdays (Thursday)
Are a little like Hanukkah (Every day is good)
Thursday's Thanksgiving
I'm talking about good living
I'll think I give thanks
Thank God it's Monday
Thank God it's Monday
Thank God it's Monday

Thank God it's Monday
Thank God it's Monday
Thank God it's Monday

Thank God it's Monday


Thursday 22 March 2012

Thursday's Story

I think that children stories can be  very useful to practice English in quite a complete way: vocabulary, grammar, listening, stress and intonation, while we enjoy a nice story. Therefore, this is going to be my post on Thursday.

Creo que los cuentos para niños pueden ser muy útiles para practicar el inglés de forma bastante completa: vocabulario, gramática, comprensión oral, ritmo y entonación, mientras disfrutamos de una bonita historia. Por lo que ese será el tema de la entrada de los jueves.

Today, 'The Greatest Treasure' by Amit Garg
Hoy, "El mayor tesoro" de Amit Garg.


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Weekly Links 1º ESO —6

yellow marker
This week we are working with: Present simple versus Present continuous, so here you are some help and practice.

Esta semana estamos trabajando con el presente simple en contraste con el presente continuo, por lo que ahí va algo para ayudaros y practicar.

Explanation / Explicación

Exercises to practise Present Progressive
Ejercicios para practicar el Presente continuo
1   2   3   4   5  

Exercises to practise Present Simple versus Present Progressive
Ejercicios para practicar el Presente simple en contraste con el Presente continuo:   1   2   3   4   5

A little song to help kids use the present continuous/progressive. Remember, a good training for your pronounciation.

Una cancioncilla para ayudar a los niños a utilizar el presente continuo. Recordad que es un buen entrenamiento para vuestra pronunciación.

Pasádlo bien.

Weekly Links 2º ESO —6

green marker
This week we have been studying 'should', so here's an explanation about the difference between 'should' and 'must'. Worth watching and paying attention to the pronounciation.

Esta semana hemos estado estudiando 'debería' así que aquí tenéis una explicación de la diferencia entre 'deberías' y 'tienes que'. Merece la pena verlo y fijarse en la pronunciación.

We also have read the text about a very special circus: Acme Miniature Flea Circus. So let's watch this video about such a peculiar show. Do you believe there are really fleas doing tricks? Can you see them? I can't but...
If you feel some curiosity to find out more about it here goes its web page: Acme Miniature Flea Circus

También hemos leído un texto sobre un circo muy especial: El circo miniatura Acme de pulgas. ¿Creéis que de verdad hay pulgas haciendo trucos? ¿Las veis? Yo no, pero...
Si sentís curiosidad por saber aquí está su página web.


Weekly Links 4º ESO —6

red marker
This week our Enlish classes have been very musical, so here's a video to review modal verbs through songs.


Weekly Links 2º BACH —5

We have already finished second term exams. You've got your term marks. We've "rested" a week, so let's start again with our weekly mock PAU test.

This week the text will be related to the topic of this video:
"Many American cities once had streetcars, but not anymore. Yet streetcars have been running in New Orleans for over 150 years. Anthony Falls has been driving streetcars for 10 years, and plans to keep doing so."


Tuesday 20 March 2012

High-Five Etiquette

As some of students are fond of "high-fiving", here is a short video with the do's and don'ts of proper high-five execution.

Ya que algunos estudiantes son aficionados a "chocarla", he aquí un corto vídeo con lo que debes y no debes hacer para la correcta ejecución del movimiento.

By the way, if you feel some curiosity about how good the automatic transcription and translation are, click on the CC button to activate them and... well... you'll see. However, I have not transcribed/translated the video because it is quite easy to understand.

A propósito, si sentís curiosidad por ver lo buenas que son la transcripción y la traducción, haced clic en el botón CC para activarlas y... bueno... Ya me diréis. Sin embargo no lo he transcrito/traducido porque es bastante sencillo de entender.

Smile and...Give me five!
Sonreíd y ...¡Choca esos cinco!

Monday 19 March 2012

Inside the White House kitchen

White House Kitchen
Go Behind the Scenes and inside the White House kitchen hours before the United Kingdom State Dinner.
[Remember to click on to set up and see subtitles]

Ve entre bastidores dentro de la cocina de la Casa Blanca horas antes de la cena de estado con el Reino Unido.
[Recuerda hacer clic en para que aparezcan los subtitulos.]

Pasadlo bien.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Weekly Links 1º ESO —5

yellow marker
Bueno, puesto que hemos acabado los exámenes y estamos un poco de descanso, vamos con una canción de The Cure, Friday I'm in Love [Viernes, estoy enamorado] y aprovechamos para fijarnos en la pronunciación de los días de la semana.

I don't care if Monday's blue,
No me importa si el lunes es azul,[/triste]
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too.
El martes gris y el miércoles también.
Thursday, I don't care about you.
El jueves, no me importas.
It's Friday, I'm in love.
Es viernes, estoy enamorado.

Monday, you can fall apart.
El lunes, puedes desmoronarte.
Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart.
El martes, el miércoles, decepcionarme.
Thursday doesn't even start.
El jueves ni siquiera comienza.
It's Friday, I'm in love.
Es viernes, estoy enamorado.

Saturday, wait,
El sábado, espera,
And Sunday always comes too late,
Y el domingo siempre llega demasiado tarde,
But Friday never hesitate...
Pero el viernes nunca vaciles...

I don't care if Monday's black,
No me importa si el lunes es negro,
Tuesday, Wednesday, heart attack.
El martes y el miércoles, un ataque al corazón.
Thursday, never looking back.
El jueves, nunca miro hacia atrás.
It's Friday, I'm in love.
Es viernes, estoy enamorado.

Monday, you can hold your head.
El lunes, puedes sujetarte la cabeza.
Tuesday, Wednesday, stay in bed.
El martes y el miércoles, quedarte en la cama.
Or Thursday, watch the walls instead.
O el jueves, mejor mirar las paredes.
It's Friday, I'm in love.
Es viernes, estoy enamorado.

Saturday, wait,
And Sunday always comes too late,
But Friday, never hesitate...

Dressed up to the eyes,
Vestido de punta en blanco
It's a wonderful surprise
Es una maravillosa sorpresa
To see your shoes and your spirits rise,
Ver tus zapatos y tu espíritu alzarse,
Throwing out your frown,
Tirando tu enojo,
And just smiling at the sound,
Y simplemente sonriendo al sonido,
And as sleek as a sheik,
tan elegante como un jeque

Spinning round and round.
Dar vueltas y vueltas.
Always take a big bite,
Siempre da un gran mordisco,
It's such a gorgeous sight
Es una vista tan maravillosa
To see you eat in the middle of the night.
Verte comer en el medio de la noche.
You can never get enough,
Nunca te hartas, [nunca tienes bastante]
Enough of this stuff.
de esto
It's Friday,
Es viernes
I'm in love.
Estoy enamorado.

Pasadlo bien.

Weekly Links 2º ESO —5

green marker
As we are studying SHOULD to give advice, here is a song by The Clash, a punk rock band, "Should I stay, or should I go?".

Puesto que estamos estudiando cómo expresar consejos, aquí va una canción de The Clash  ('el estruendo, conflicto'), un grupo de punk, "¿Debería quedarme o irme?".

Curiously, there are backing vocals in ...Spanish. Joe Strummer (the singer of the band) explains:

On the spur of the moment I said 'I'm going to do the backing vocals in Spanish,'...We needed a translator so Eddie Garcia, the tape operator, called his mother in Brooklyn Heights and read her the lyrics over the phone and she translated them. But Eddie and his mum are Ecuadorian, so it's Ecuadorian Spanish that me and Joe Ely are singing on the backing vocals.

Curiosamente, hay coros en... español. Joe Strummer (el cantante de la banda) cuenta: "Sin pensar dije 'Voy a hacer los coros en español,' ... Necesitábamos un traductor así que Eddie García, el ingeniero de sonido, llamó a su madre en Brooklyn Heights y le leyó las letras al teléfono y ella las tradujo. Pero Eddie y su madre son ecuatorianos, por lo que es español ecuatoriano lo que yo y Ely Guerra cantamos en los coros."

(Mick Jones / Joe Strummer)

Darling you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are mine
I’ll be here ’til the end of time
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?

It's always tease tease tease
You’re happy when I’m on my knees
One day is fine, next day is black
So if you want me off your back
Well come on and let me know
Should I stay or should I go?

Should I stay or should I go now?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble
An’ if I stay it will be double
So come on and let me know!

This indecision’s bugging me
Esta indecision me molesta
If you don’t want me, set me free
Si no me quieres, librame
Exactly whom I’m supposed to be
Dime que tengo que ser
Don’t you know which clothes even fit me?
¿sabes que ropas me quedan?
Come on and let me know
Me tienes que decir
Should I cool it or should I blow?
¿me debo ir o quedarme?

Yo me enfrio o lo soplo  [sufro]
[¿Me tranquilizo o me enfado?]

Should I stay or should I go now?
yo me enfrio o lo soplo
Should I stay or should I go now?
yo me enfrio o lo soplo
If I go there will be trouble
Si me voy - va a haber peligro
And if I stay it will be double
Si me quedo es doble
So you gotta let me know
Pero me tienes que decir
Should I cool it or should I go?
yo me enfrio o lo soplo

Should I stay or should I go now?
yo me enfrio o lo soplo
If I go there will be trouble
Si me voy - va a haber peligro
And if I stay it will be double
Si me quedo es doble
So you gotta let me know
Pero me tienes que decir
Should I stay or should I go?

Pasadlo bien.

Weekly Links 4º ESO —5

red marker
As we are with modals, I thought of an old song by Eric Clapton —from 1983, twenty- nine years old already!—, Everybody Oughta Make A Change.

Puesto que estamos con los verbos modales, me he acordado de una vieja canción de Eric Clapton —de 1983, ¡veintinueve años ya!—, Todo el mundo debería cambiar algo.

Everybody Oughta Make A Change

Change in the weather, change in the sea,
Come back baby, you'll find a change in me.
Everybody, they ought to change sometime,
Because sooner or later we have to go down in that lonesome ground.

I changed suits, I changed shirts,
I changed, baby, just to get shed of the dirt.
Everybody, we ought to change sometime,
Because sooner or later we're going down in that lonesome ground.

I changed honey, I changed money,
I changed, people, just to keep from being funny.
Everybody, they ought to change sometime,
Because sooner or later we're going down in that lonesome ground.

Change in the ocean, change in the sea,
Come back baby, you'll find a change in me.
Everybody, we ought to change sometime,
Because sooner or later we're going down in that lonesome ground.

Pasadlo bien.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Wrecking Ball, Bruce Springsteen

I have been the whole weekend listening to the last Bruce Springsteen's album, Wrecking Ball, and ...I had to share the joy and energy it gives me. Furthermore, in this song, we can still listen to the unmistakable saxo of Clarence Clemons, departed in June 2011.

He estado este fin de semana escuchando el último álbum de Bruce Springsteen, Bola de derribo, y ... tenía que compartir la alegría y la energía que me da. Además, en esta canción, todavía se puede escuchar el inconfundible sonido del saxófono de Clarence Clemons, fallecido en Junio de 2011.

This song must have been written around Aug-Sep 2009, about the 2010 demolition of Giants Stadium but also about our situation nowadays. On the opening night of his 2009 stand at Giants Stadium, Springsteen took the stage and told the crowd: "Join us tonight to shut the old lady down! We've had a lot of great nights here, let's make this another one. This is something I wrote for tonight."

Esta canción debió de escribirse por agosto-septiembre de 2009, y trata de la demolición del estadio de los Gigantes en el año 2010 pero también de nuestra situación. En la noche de la inauguración de su gira de 2009 en el Giants Stadium, Springsteen subió al escenario y dijo a la multitud: "¡Uníos a nosotros esta noche para derribar a esta vieja dama! Hemos tenido un montón de noches magníficas aquí, vamos a hacer de esta otra más. Esto es algo que compuse para esta noche".


I was raised out of steel here in the swamps of Jersey, some misty years ago
Through the mud and the beer, and the blood and the cheers, I've seen champions come and go
So if you got the guts mister, yeah, if you got the balls
If you think it's your time, then step to the line, and bring on your wrecking ball

Bring on your wrecking ball
Bring on your wrecking ball
Come on and take your best shot, let me see what you got
Bring on your wrecking ball

Now my home's here in these meadowlands where mosquitoes grow big as airplanes
Here where the blood is spilled, the arena's filled, and giants played their games
So raise up your glasses and let me hear your voices call
Because tonight all the dead are here, so bring on your wrecking ball

Bring on your wrecking ball
Bring on your wrecking ball
Come on and take your best shot, let me see what you got
Bring on your wrecking ball

Yeah, we know that come tomorrow, none of this will be here
So hold tight on your anger, you hold tight on your anger
Hold tight to your anger, don't fall to your fears

Now when all this steel and these stories, they drift away to rust
And all our youth and beauty, it's been given to the dust
When the game has been decided and we're burning down the clock
And all our little victories and glories have turned into parking lots
When your best hopes and desires are scattered through the wind
And hard times come, and hard times go
And hard times come, and hard times go
Yeah just to come again

Bring on your wrecking ball
Bring on your wrecking ball
Come on and take your best shot, let me see what you got
Bring on your wrecking ball
Bring on your wrecking ball (bring on your wrecking ball)
Bring on your wrecking ball (bring on your wrecking ball)
Come on and take your best shot, let me see what you got
Bring on your wrecking ball...


Monday 12 March 2012

"Si no fracasan, ni siquiera están intentando."

Denzel Washington gave a commencement speech at his son’s school, the University of Pennsylvania.

Denzel Washington pronuncia estas palabras en el discurso de la ceremonia de graduación de su hijo en la Universidad de Pennsylvania.

click here to launch video in new window
Haz clic aquí para ver el vídeo en nueva ventana
Photo credit

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Scoring tests / Corrigiendo exámenes

Pasa el ratón por la imagen para ver la traducción.
(Hover over the picture to see Spanish translation.)

This week you still have to take some exams and your teachers have to score them. Little time to spare. We'll make up for it.

Esta semana todavía tenéis que hacer unos cuantos exámenes y vuestros profesores corregirlos. Poco tiempo libre. Nos resarciremos.

Monday 5 March 2012

Did You Know? Building a bus

As the classic double-decker Routemaster bus is back in the streets of London, let's see how they are built up. You also would like  to refresh some vocabulary about Taking the bus and listening about some useful expressions on transport.

Aprovechando que han vuelto los autobuses de dos pisos tan típicos de Londres, ved cómo se construyó uno. Y dos enlaces para refrescar el vocabulario para coger el autobús, así como un 'listening' con algunas expresiones útiles para viajar en autobús o en taxi.

Pasadlo bien.

Thursday 1 March 2012

La tabla periódica cantada

As I told some of you this morning, the ones who were going to take a cemistry test, Daniel Radcliffe can sing the whole periodic table. This song, "The Elements" was written by Tom Lehrer, an American mathematician,singer-songwriter, satirist, and pianist.

Como les he contado a algunos de vosotros esta mañana, los que teníais examen de química, Daniel Radcliffe puede cantar la tabla periódica completa. Esa canción, "Los elementos" es de Tom Lehrer, un matemático, cantautor satírico, y pianista.

Tom Lehrer entered Harvard at the age of 15 where he majored in mathematic at 19, Magna Cum Laude (the second best grades), Phi Beta Kappa (an academic honor society). In the 50s he became popular for his parodies and songs and performed in some television shows but in 1960 he stopped performing and devoted to his academic work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and in 1972 he also joined the University of California, Santa Cruz. Today, retired from academia, he lives in both Cambridge and Santa Cruz where he still teaches math.

Tom Lehrer ingresó en la universidad de Harvard a los 15 años y a los 19 se licenció en matemáticas magna cum laude (la segunda mejor nota) y se convirtió en miembro de Phi beta Kappa (una sociedad de honor académica). En los años 50 se hizo famoso por sus parodia y canciones y actuó en algunos programas de televisión pero en 1960 dejó de actuar y se dedicó a su trabajo académico en el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT), y en 1972 también en La Universidad de California, Santa Cruz. Hoy día, jubilado, vive entre Cambridge y Santa Cruz donde todavía imparte matemáticas.

Here are both versions: Tom Lehrer's and Daniel Radcliffe's.
Aquí tenéis las dos versiones: la de Tom Lehrer y la de Daniel Radcliffe.

And for those who are fond of chemistry, you may already know this site but just in case here it is: Periodic table, an intereactive periodic table with thousands of pictures of elements samples and a lot of information about them.

Y para aquellos que les gusta la química, quizá ya conozcáis esta página, pero por si acaso aquí os la dejo: Periodic table, una tabla periódica interactiva con miles de fotografías de muestras de elementos y muchísima información sobre cada uno de ellos.

Pasadlo bien.