Saturday 20 February 2016

Weekly Links 2º BACH #93

Weekly essay: "Would you like to be famous? Give reasons."

Bear in mind that this is an opinion essay, not an argumentative one. So, there are no pros or cons, nor advantages and disadvantages.


Opinion essay
Point of view: Because the writer is predominantly concerned with stating his opinion, first-person (i.e., I) is always used.
Attitude: Opinion has a single-minded goal—Tell the reader what you think.
Perspectives presented: Opinion pieces rely solely on opinion and feelings.

Argumentative essay
Point of view: formal writing addresses the multiple sides of an issue using the more objective third-person point of view.
Attitude: writers maintain a tone of fairness and reasonableness. Their attitude is respectful, tactful, and formal.
Perspectives presented: Argumentative writing acknowledges opposing views within a pro/con piece. This demonstrates the writer as a fair-minded person and gives him the opportunity to counter these perspectives with more logic, reasoning, and proof. (source)

Here is a presentation (in argumentative style, watch out!) to give you some ideas.


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